Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Dr. Mirela Cernaianu
Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Our healthcare system is run and dominated by Big Pharma and for-profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you! Getting great medical advice is expensive, and not enough professionals spend time educating their clients. Entering the healthcare system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates, empowers, and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change; we need better and easier access to a healthcare system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and merely alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

  1. 1D AGO

    082 - No More Secrets! Everything You Should Know About VAGINAL REJUVENATION LASERS

    Today we’re discussing vaginal laser technology in detail and which options should be considered for best results. The MonaLisa Touch was the first vaginal laser technology introduced in the US—but previously, the same technology has been used for fine lines and wrinkles. The purchase of any laser for a woman’s intimate wellness isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. Your medical professional should always refer to what the research and studies have said, not what the sales rep is telling them. Still, investing in new technologies for vaginal wellness was a no-brainer for me as a doctor who cares about bringing the best possible tools to the women’s wellness space. The MonaLisa Touch was designed to treat vaginal atrophy that occurs with aging. It can also be used for vaginal infections or even surface issues like marks and scarring. It has even been used for interstitial cystitis to reduce the frequency and urgency of bladder pain. There is another treatment called Viveve that can be used for vaginal wellness. This treatment uses cryogen-cooled monopolar radiofrequency (CMRF) energy, and by employing two different technologies, it can penetrate energy deeper. This can help with vaginal laxity through the stimulation of collagen production. You can also microneedle the vagina. Despite the name, this treatment is not painful. Morpheus8 V is a non-invasive treatment that uses both microneedling with radiofrequency energy to improve vaginal health, tighten tissue, and encourage collagen production.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    39 min
  2. MAR 21

    081 - The Future of Optimizing Intimacy for Women: Laser Technology Can Be a Safe and Effective Solution!

    The most recent breakthrough launched in the last decade for vaginal health improvement has been laser technology. This new approach comes from an emphasis on looking for ways to promote health and healing (as opposed to destroying disease). There is a demand for safe treatment for serious medical conditions that cause vaginal discomfort and pain. Generally, our medical system has fallen short of meeting women’s sexual health and wellbeing needs. The friction that occurs during intercourse can be intolerable and downright painful if a woman is struggling with sensitive tissues and decreased lubrication. Women experiencing fibroids, adenomyosis, and other estrogen sensitive conditions (like an estrogen sensitive cancer) aren’t able to utilize the benefits of estrogen therapy. Laser therapy gives these women another option to explore. The cosmetic industry has been using lasers in various applications for a long time. While some laser therapies delivered to other areas, like the face for example, can be harsh, the only way to treat the vagina with lasers is to use a gentle approach. Keep in mind that this treatment isn’t available everywhere, as it can come with certain risks for the medical professionals offering it. We need to change the idea that a woman’s vaginal wellness is purely related to sex. The truth is that vaginal health is interconnected with other health systems (the urinary system, quite closely, for instance). Check in with your healthcare professionals, especially if you’re experiencing a loss of elasticity, atrophy, or other changes to your vaginal area so you can be proactive in addressing it.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    27 min
  3. MAR 14

    080 - What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You: Treating Painful Sex Caused by Endometriosis With Testosterone

    Endometriosis can make intimacy difficult for women to enjoy—and that’s not just for young women, but women of all ages. Endometriosis is when the uterine lining (the endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The cause of this is unknown, however it causes inflammation, scarring, and pain. Research regarding treatment is severely lacking when it comes to this condition, in part because it is not considered a life-threatening illness. Another reason is that the potential for money-making is limited. That said, it does highly impact a woman’s quality of life and her experiences, and therefore deserves more attention than it’s gotten. Endometriosis is also difficult to diagnose as this requires surgery under anesthesia. The approach by conventional medicine in terms of treatment is offering medication that drastically decreases estrogen, for example birth control pills. It can help with some symptoms, but it doesn’t reduce pain during intercourse and can come with some side effects. Testosterone inhibits the growth of endometrial cells in-vitro, so there is some research to support that testosterone therapy can counteract the overactive growth of uterine lining associated with endometriosis. Testosterone isn’t recommended as a first line therapy for women with this condition, but it should be. The key with testosterone therapy is using bioidentical hormones. Synthetic testosterone products can come with significant side effects like facial hair growth, voice changes, and acne. Women and health care providers need to educate themselves on the benefits of testosterone for endometriosis and the best way to use it. Regardless of their condition, women deserve to enjoy intimacy just as much as men.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    29 min
  4. MAR 7

    079 - Overcoming Painful Sex and Modern, Safe, Effective Solutions Your OB/GYN Will Not Tell You About

    There are two conditions that can impact a woman’s sexual wellness regardless of their age: vulvodynia and vaginismus. These conditions can be painful and limit a woman’s desire for intimacy—all while they suffer in silence. This is why it’s so important to open up a conversation about these conditions and the options available for treatment. Vulvodynia is a disturbance at the nerve endings of a woman’s delicate tissues. It can feel sensitive even when a woman sits down, rides a bike, or engages in other activities. It’s easy to diagnose, and there are various options for treatment that dampen the excessive pain response of this issue. There are laser platforms and technologies that can also be applied for women’s intimacy needs, offering support where conventional medicine fails to provide relief. The application of energy to tissues can rewire and reset nerve endings, helping relieve pain. Vaginismus affects many women both younger and older. Yet, so many who are diagnosed with this condition have no idea what it is or how they’ve developed it. It happens when pelvic floor muscles suffer involuntary contractions, which narrows the vaginal canal and can make initiating intimacy difficult and unenjoyable. Pelvic floor therapy and relaxation techniques can be effective in supporting vaginismus, especially when the root cause has been resolved. If pain during intercourse is not addressed early on, a woman may begin to associate intimacy with her partner with pain. This experience of anticipating pain can make the condition even more difficult to deal with, and eventually she may avoid intimacy altogether.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    21 min
  5. FEB 28

    078 - The Hidden Truths of Perimenopausal Sexuality - Part 2

    In this episode, we’re continuing our discussion about sexual wellness during perimenopause. This stage of life can be extremely difficult for women who are sensitive to changes in mood. They may look to outside sources to alleviate this stress. For example: sweet and salty foods or alcohol. This stress, and the weight gain that comes with it, makes a woman feel anything but sexual. Stress is the enemy of intimacy and fertility, which can be disruptive to women who desire a healthy sexual relationship with their partner and those who want to have kids later in life. For women, as we age, it gets even more difficult to maintain our weight. It can even feel impossible to lose weight during perimenopause and beyond. A decline in testosterone levels is part of the reason behind this, as it’s an important hormone when it comes to building and maintaining muscle. Early intervention is critical in combating weight gain issues and the other issues that accompany perimenopause. A simple blood draw can provide lots of insight into hormone levels, but a deeper blood evaluation is more reliable and provides even greater information. This depth of care isn’t easy to find unless you seek out a doctor who appreciates more holistic methods. As a woman, it’s important to understand that testosterone is your feel-good hormone. It’s the hormone that keeps you feeling lean, fit, and sexy. It can also help boost mood and can help with mood issues like PMDD and depression. Testosterone replacement can support significant improvement with certain hormonal-based problems, but knowing which type to use is key.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    28 min
  6. FEB 21

    077 - The Hidden Truths of Perimenopausal Sexuality - Part 1

    How can women find optimal intimacy in all stages of life, including during perimenopause? Most women experience perimenopause around their early forties, and a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes at this time, some of which greatly impact their desire to be intimate with their partners. Taking steps early on is a woman’s best tool for navigating these changes. However, it’s important to note that the solutions for a woman in menopause are not the same as those experiencing perimenopause. While there is a decline in estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone, there is not a complete loss of estrogen. During perimenopause, it’s not abnormal for women to act out of character or behave differently than normal. This may be due in part because estrogen is an agitating hormone—and fluctuations can have a significant impact on a woman’s life. If you’re a woman who’s been feeling especially anxious, angry, and frustrated, having sex is going to be at the bottom of your priority list. You may also feel like your partner is the enemy as your body deals with these intense hormonal ups and downs. At the same time, you may also feel an increased craving for sweet and salty foods. As if dealing with these changes weren’t difficult enough, changes to hormones and diet can also influence insulin resistance and weight gain, which may lead you to feel even less sexy. If you haven’t been through perimenopause yet, remember it’s something all women have to go through. Be proactive in your approach to these changes if you want to be prepared.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    24 min
  7. FEB 14

    076 - Sexual Wellness and The Key to Revitalizing Intimacy for Women After Menopause

    If you’re a woman who struggles with pain and discomfort during intimacy, you’re not alone. There are a multitude of conditions that limit women in terms of intimacy, and they suffer in silence. In this episode, we’re diving into this topic and sharing possible solutions.  As women age and go through menopause, they experience significant shifts in their hormones. These shifts, such as the loss of estrogen, can lead to vaginal dryness and other issues of sexual dysfunction. The good news is that estrogen deficiency is easily addressed through a cream or vaginal insert. Once a woman loses her estrogen, it does not come back. This is important to note for women looking to balance their hormones when balance is no longer an option. Once the ovaries have run out of eggs, we have to deal with the reality of final estrogen loss in women and the difficult symptoms that come along with this change. Most women will need to try various hormone replacement methods until they find the perfect one for them. There’s no reason to fear it either. Any concern about the relationship between estrogen replacement and cancer is unfounded—cancer rates naturally rise as we get older no matter what. If you want to restore intimacy, there is help out there. Estrogen replacement is worth trying, even if you’ve tried it before and the method you used didn’t work for you. You should feel encouraged to try a different method of delivery with a doctor who is well versed in hormone replacement therapy.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    31 min
  8. FEB 7

    075 - Doctors vs. Corporations The Fight to Redefine Patient Care Part 2

    We’re continuing our conversation about concierge medical practices this week. There were a few reasons I decided to go with a membership practice; the first one being financial survival. Our healthcare system has been compromised, and something has to change. Doctors have almost no choice but to go cash and stop accepting insurance or go concierge to survive. The membership fee isn’t put in place for profit, it’s there for necessity. In an insurance-driven healthcare market, medical providers are penalized if they decide to spend a longer amount of time with patients. Providers are compensated more greatly if they see four patients over one hour, rather than seeing one patient for that full hour. This is just one example of how the healthcare industry is driven by greed. You may have visited medical offices where the practice hasn’t invested in growing their team or adding the latest supportive technology. These are two things we do invest in to make our services the best they can be. We have even made it possible for our patients to text us so they can reach us more easily.  It’s additions like this that make it easy for patients to choose to pay the membership fee. We focus on education, but this takes an investment in training and equipping our staff with the information they need. Ultimately, only you can decide if a membership practice is right for you. If you value your health, it may be worth it to you.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    27 min
out of 5
12 Ratings


Our healthcare system is run and dominated by Big Pharma and for-profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you! Getting great medical advice is expensive, and not enough professionals spend time educating their clients. Entering the healthcare system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates, empowers, and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change; we need better and easier access to a healthcare system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and merely alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

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