Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Dr. Mirela Cernaianu
Wellness Optimizing Warrior M.D.

Our healthcare system is run and dominated by Big Pharma and for-profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you! Getting great medical advice is expensive, and not enough professionals spend time educating their clients. Entering the healthcare system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates, empowers, and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change; we need better and easier access to a healthcare system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and merely alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    10 Essential Anti-Aging Markers Your Annual Wellness Check Should Include - Part 1

    What are the most valuable things to focus on when making an anti-aging plan with your doctor? In this episode we’re discussing just that. Everyone’s body changes over time, but you can make aging easier if you get support sooner rather than later. Over time, you may start to notice your energy levels decline—and perhaps you are softer in areas than you were before. Weight loss or even maintaining your weight becomes more difficult as we age, and your mood may also change too. Some of these changes are subtle, but they are bound to happen as a part of aging. The most important part of your anti-aging wellness exam is the time spent assessing your current state of health. This should be a thorough interview that covers every system in the body. A comprehensive blood test should be ordered, even if you have zero signs and symptoms or generally feel great. Your doctor should also do an in-depth cardiovascular assessment. The reality is there aren’t always signs and symptoms when you have a heart problem. Heart disease gives no warning, which is why preventative care of your cardiovascular health is essential. A cancer screening is also crucial—the statistics show that digestive cancers and respiratory cancers are the most dangerous as we age. Abdominal visceral fat is also a key marker for wellness as we age. Your metabolic health is important too, so make healthy choices when it comes to what you include in your diet. In the next episode, I’ll share even more anti-aging markers to prioritize with your health professionals.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    17 min
  2. JAN 10

    The Invisible Chains: 10 Ways Stress Silently Destroys Your Health

    Chronic stress is recognized as a major stress of disability and mortality worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, stress is a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural response, and it prompts us to take action under certain circumstances. However, when stress becomes chronic, it can be very damaging to our health. Chronic stress is associated with many different health consequences. What you do, what you think, and how you feel when you’re stressed matters—and it greatly impacts your body. If you want to live a long life, you have to be able to manage stress when it comes up. If you’re stressed for a long time, cortisol will be released for a prolonged duration. This can lead to adrenal dysfunction, which means your body is releasing too much cortisol or not enough. Chronic stress can also lead to maladaptive coping, for example drinking alcohol. This will negatively impact your liver, hormones, and more. Stress zaps your energy, and it can make you feel fatigued no matter how much rest you get. It also damages and weakens your immune system, leaving you prone to illness and infections. Long-term stress damages your gut lining, resulting in a cascade of symptoms that can heavily impact your gut health, and it could even lead to autoimmunity. Stress hurts your sleep, which keeps your body and brain from recharging when it needs it most. Chronic stress plays a significant role in the onset of serious psychiatric conditions. It can also accelerate aging. Make time for family, friends, fun, and physical activity regularly to ease your stress levels and stay healthy.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    22 min
  3. 12/27/2024

    How to Prepare for Menopause: Strategies and Survival Tips Your Doctor Won’t Tell You - Part 2

    Let’s continue our deep discussion on preparing for menopause. In part one, we talked about the changes you can expect in perimenopause and menopause, and explored the importance of awareness around this hormonal shift. In this episode, we’re exploring specific ways you can support this transition. If you want to improve your experience going through perimenopause and menopause, you should first consider how you feel about hormones. If you think you’d like to explore hormone replacement therapy, you’ll want to align yourself with a doctor who has expertise in that area. It’s important to remember that a loss of hormones has a significant effect on your body, whether that loss brings you to an average rate or not. Just because you still have expected rates of hormones present doesn’t necessarily mean you’re producing the optimal amounts for you. Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone are not dangerous. They do not suddenly cause cancer after you turn a certain age. The naysayers are usually missing out on crucial information, leaving them considerably misinformed. Hormones administered at the correct dosage and with the proper consideration for hormonal balance are perfectly safe. So, what’s the magic hormone for menopause? Testosterone can do wonders for your mood, energy, and sex life. There are different methods you can try, and if you give it some time to get your dosing right, you could get a boost that makes you feel like you’re decades younger. Menopause can look however you want it to. The choice is yours.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    33 min
  4. 12/20/2024

    How to Prepare for Menopause: Strategies and Survival Tips Your Doctor Won’t Tell You - Part 1

    Is there such a thing as preparing for menopause? This is a topic not many people are discussing, but they should be. Menopause impacts women, but that impact will also have an effect on the other people in their lives, like their partner and children. Many women struggle with procrastination when it comes to prioritizing themselves. However, the best thing we can do for ourselves is prepare for menopause early on so we can have the tools to make this transition easier. The first thing you need to prepare for menopause adequately is awareness. Ignoring it won’t make it go away. Perimenopause is the transition into menopause, and it can last anywhere from two to ten years. This is when hormones decline, and so does egg quality as well as egg quantity. All women should know this, especially those in their 30s who still desire to have children. The more eggs you have, the longer you will produce natural progesterone and estrogen. Understanding and knowing what is happening in your body is crucial for a smooth navigation through this time in your life. Perimenopause brings a lot of hormonal fluctuations, and therefore a lot of ups and downs. There will be changes to your metabolic rate, desire for intimacy, and more. The changes in hormones can also alter the way you react to stress. In fact, one might see a possible correlation between hormonal changes in men and women and the breakdown of marriages when a couple reaches their 40s or 50s. Hormone therapy can help couples deal with some of these issues and symptoms, but lifestyle changes that support a healthy, balanced  body should be the first priority.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    33 min
  5. 12/13/2024

    Wellness Exam, Heart Health and Key Longevity Predictors in Your 40s - Part 2

    In this episode, we’re continuing our conversation about wellness checks in your 40s. Last time we discussed weight, height, body mass composition, and cardiovascular health. Blood pressure, specifically hypertension, is a silent killer and is another very important aspect of your health that you should know about. Most doctor’s visits are brief. They spend about 15 minutes with you, and they may order some simple blood tests—but they don’t often invest in your longer health journey. Comprehensive wellness checks should include an in-depth analysis of all the important markers. Keep this in mind if you’re choosing a new doctor in your 40s. Men are experiencing a low testosterone epidemic, and this is regardless of age. This is something that men in their 40s should address with their doctor. For women in their 40s, it’s common to experience perimenopause, a stage in which estrogen and progesterone production declines. Women should be able to share details of their cycle to their doctor during a visit. If you’re overweight or obese, you’ll want to have your doctor check your fasting insulin and fasting glucose. Insulin resistance is the beginning of diabetes, and if you catch this during the pre-diabetes phase, it is reversible.  Cortisol isn’t that important to look at in your 40s unless you’re concerned about adrenal dysfunction. Many cancers manifest at this stage in life, making this a good time to be diligent and check your family history for cancer. Focus on your essential wellness markers and create a starting point so you’re walking into your 50s as healthy as you can be.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    24 min
  6. 12/06/2024

    Wellness Exam, Heart Health and Key Longevity Predictors in Your 40s - Part 1

    What is important when it comes to your health in your 40s? The 40s is an important decade of life because it’s one of subtle decline; the beginning of widespread changes to come. While you might feel like you’re in good health, there are still some key things to pay attention to. The sooner you make these things a priority, the better. In your 40s, look for a doctor that has the energy, time, and dedication to create an aging plan with you. It might cost you to find a physician that can work with you on this, but it’s worth it—especially if you can add on bloodwork that will give you even greater insights into your health status. A health checkup at this age should include your weight, height, blood pressure, and circumference of your abdomen. It’s also critical to look at your body mass composition. If you’re avoiding having these numbers checked with your doctor, you’re choosing to stay in the dark, but it won’t change the reality you’re facing. There are also many devices that can be used as tools to help you with anti-aging. Some of these can even help you with subcutaneous fat, which is extremely difficult to get rid of. When you’re working towards greater health, don’t get discouraged that you’re not where you want to be. Keep moving forward, because the effort you put in now counts. For men, elevated resting heart rates is something to pay attention to. It should never be over 80. Your exercise heart rate should also be within a healthy range. Investing in your health now matters if you want to feel well in your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    32 min
  7. 11/22/2024

    Wellness Pearls for Men and Women in Their 30s - Part 2

    In this episode we’re continuing our discussion of wellness pearls for men and women in their 30s. At this age, you should have no urinary trouble. If you use the bathroom multiple times each night, or you’re dealing with feelings of urgency, you should bring this up to your doctor. This could potentially be a urinary tract infection, which women are more likely to experience overall. Most physicians that complete a wellness exam don’t ask about sexual health—but they should. As your doctor, they should be prepared to not only hear about any problem you have, but also be ready to guide you towards a solution. Painful sex, low sexual desire, and inability to maintain arousal are just a few symptoms you may want to discuss. In your 30s, you should be at your peak of health. Your joints should be able to support just about any activity without limitations. An adequate amount of muscle mass at this age can also help you age more gracefully. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it helps you burn calories. At this age, you’ll also want to consider the health of your skin. Your skin looks its best when your skin microbiome is healthy and your immune system is strong. Any rash at this age may indicate immune system dysfunction or possible food allergies. For many women with dry skin, the underlying cause is low estrogen. Hair loss is another issue that is important to take note of, especially in your 30s. It could signal an issue with your hormones, your vitamins, your immune system, or your digestion. You should also have great focus and cognitive function. If you have any concerning symptoms, write them down and review them with your doctor at your next wellness check.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    35 min
  8. 11/15/2024

    The Value of an In-Depth Wellness Assessment in Your 30s: Setting the Foundation for Your Future Health Part 1

    What should a physician focus on when their patient is a man or a woman in their 30s? For women, their 30s set the tone for a smooth and easy—or potentially difficult—perimenopause stage. For both men and women, the 30’s should represent a peak in health. Women who are 35 years old and above who are planning on having children should discuss this with their doctor, and the sooner the better. After this point, a woman’s eggs may be of less quality than they once were, and thus conception may be a more difficult process. A comprehensive doctor should perform an in-depth analysis of your health at this stage, helping you discover and deal with any potential problems early on. If you’re experiencing symptoms like fatigue, insomnia, or weight changes, make sure you let your doctor know.  Whether intentionally or unintentionally experiencing disrupted sleep in your 30s, it’s important to address it as early as you can. Your sleep quality has a profound impact on your overall health, and at this stage in life it’s imperative you get the necessary duration and quality.  Intestinal health issues are another one that should not be overlooked, as these can be related to your immune system health. We have a tendency to excuse symptoms like gas and bloating as “normal,” but in reality, these issues should not be ignored. If you’ve had any nagging symptoms in your body in the last twelve months, bring them to your doctor’s attention as soon as possible.   Connect with Dr. Cernaianu https://www.herabeautyandwellness.com/ https://www.instagram.com/herabeautyandwellness/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Hera-Healthcare-Mirela-Cernaianu-MD/100063462643162/

    30 min
out of 5
12 Ratings


Our healthcare system is run and dominated by Big Pharma and for-profit health insurance companies. No one is fighting for you! Getting great medical advice is expensive, and not enough professionals spend time educating their clients. Entering the healthcare system for anything can be a struggle. I want to fight for you and be your wellness warrior. Join me in creating a community that educates, empowers, and nourishes optimal wellness. Our healthcare system needs a revolution. We need change; we need better and easier access to a healthcare system that promotes wellness and is not fixated on disease and merely alleviating symptoms. Let’s take back our health and own it!

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